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Michael Ausiello interviews Alan Ball in the video below about Season 4 at the San Diego Comic-Con 2011 today. Alan revealed that their might be a threesome between Sookie, Bill and Eric and about the romance between Jessica and Jason as well as admitting that there will be quite a few “major characters” that might meet their fate this season.
Is True Blood about to turn the Bill-Sookie-Eric triangle into a threesome?
That’s the first thought that crossed my mind when I eyed this provocative teaser for the HBO drama’s Aug. 21 episode: “Convalescing after her latest near-death trauma, Sookie envisions a world where there’s room for both Bill and Eric.”
Does that mean what I think it means? You better believe I dropped that exact question on exec producer Alan Ball’s lap when he visited TVLine’s Comic-Con interview suite Friday afternoon. And while I was at it, I also pumped Bon Temps’ puppet master for scoop on the burgeoning romance between Jessica and Jason and just how high this season’s body count would climb.
That’s the question that fans of HBO’s True Blood often wonder about the complicated relationship between Alexander Skarsgard’s Eric Northman and series heroine Sookie Stackhouse. But a caveat for fans of Charlaine Harris’ novels: Skarsgard says just because you’ve read the infamous Book 4 doesn’t mean you know how Season 4 of HBO’s smash hit series will play out. The Swedish heartthrob sat down with TVLine’s Michael Ausiello at our Comic-Con interview suite to discuss the Eric-Sookie dynamic, the experience of interacting with rabid fans, and the importance of maintaining his character’s integrity in Season 4 — despite a pesky spell that’s wreaked havoc on his personality.
TV Line‘s Michael Ausiello got the scoop on True Blood‘s Pam when he spoke with Kristin Bauer van Straten at Comic-Con.
In Attendance: Alan Ball, Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Alexander Skarsgard, Rutina Wesley, Nelsan Ellis, Kevin Alejandro, Deborah Ann Woll, Kristin Bauer van Straten.
Moderator: Tim Stack from Entertainment Weekly
Here comes “the most attractive cast on television!” – Tim Stack.
Why do people live in Bon Temps? “If you could live in Bon Temps, wouldn’t you?” – Alan Ball
Anna: “There’s the part of Sookie who’s sweet. And there’s the part of her that has really dirty vampire sex. Possibly with two vampires.”
Alan: “If you translate the spell placed on Alex, it says ‘you will lose your memory, your shirt, and you will still be insanely hot.’”
Alexander Skarsgard asked about whether Eric forgets his shirts all the time too. Saying the outfit Sookie finds for him at her/his house was maybe Hoyt’s.
Alan Ball on the outfit: “You’ll wear dorky outfits for several episodes, and still be insanely hot.”
Stephen Moyer says Bill and Portia will see each other again. But it’s not a big thing on Bill’s mind with the witchy goings on.
Is Jesus secretly dark? Kevin: “There’s a little darkness if everyone. You’ll have to watch to find out.”
Tara as a lesbian cage fighter? “I love the UFC. But I personally don’t like labels. I think Tara fell in love and didn’t know what happened but at least she’s smiling for a change.” – Rutina
Ryan: “I think he’s enjoying the fact that he’s now being called Ghost Daddy.”
Pam’s face-falling-off? Kristin: “We work hard to make you squeamish. But it’s a very technical experience. 9-hour day, 9-hour shoot.”
Is there hope for Bill and Sookie? The crowd applause’s/boos.
Anna: “It’s more complicated than that.”
What’s the deal with Arlene’s baby? Alan: “We’ll find out what it is about that doll that makes it creepy. And it’s something creepy.”
Will we see the famous shower scene? Alan pauses. “There will be a moment where Sookie and Eric are together in a shower. “It may not be exactly what happens in the books. It may be weirder. And dirtier.”
Anna talks about how being so short is an obstacle with the naked men scenes. Especially turning around to Alcide while Eric was in the water and trying to not have a direct look at his bidness.
Favorite scenes so far this season? Alan: “Jason’s ritualistic gang rape.” Ryan: “I’ll take it.”
Alex’s favorite scene this season so far? Eric’s swim in the sun.
Joe Manganiello is filming a movie in Atlanta and Sam Trammell’s about to have twins – in case you’re wondering why they did not attend!
Alan: “What I love about the comic books – it’s more story in a different format.”
Fan questions begin! Why’s Eric’s voice higher this season? Alex: “I was more of a robot. But I’m becoming more and more human.”
Are we going to see Pam’s made story? Alan: “You will definitely see it in Season 5.” Alex: “Aww, my baby.” Kristin: “Daddy.” Baby talk.
If Lafayette could date someone, would it be Eric, Jason, or Bill? Nelsan: “I must say I’m happy with the squeeze I got. But I’ll do all 4.”
Oh boy! Janina Gavankar bum-rushes the fan questions! Tells the cast they’re all going to hell!
Kristin: “Pam’s only vulnerable about her Maker. And now, losing her face.”
Alan Ball asked about Eric’s memory return and how it happens, affects the political climate. Won’t reveal any details. “I think the vampires are going to stick together because they’re fighting a common enemy. And that enemy is Michelle Bachman.”
Panel asked whether Claudine’s death will heighten or diminish Sookie’s powers. Alan Ball says that those who’ve read the books know fairies are born in litters and are identical. Very cryptic, especially with how free the show is with the source material.
Sookie can still read minds, we just don’t hear about it.
Is the storyline between Sam and Tara done? Alan: “Nothing’s ever done on this show.”
International Truebie love? Alan: “This show is universal. People all over the world love crazy messed up weirdness.”
Alan: “This show has a tremendous amount of life. I hope we get to a point where we have to explain why vampires seem to be aging.”
Nelsan was asked about his appearance yesterday on the TV Guide panel and why he was wearing a hat and sitting back. “I was nervous to hear what people was going to say to me when I came out.”
Inspiration? Anna: “Even though these characters are supernatural, they’re grounded in human reality. What Sookie goes through is real.”
Stephen: “It all comes down to the writing. Unless the writing is good, you can’t do it. We’ve got an unbelievable group surrounding Alan.”
Fan asks Nelsan to call her “hooker.” Nelsan gives his best “hookah.”
There will be a Hooligans type place with male and female strippers in season 5.
Ghost like things will make an appearance on the show. Demons will play a larger part later this season. Alan Ball says they’re looking at adding more supernatural beings in season 5.
What supes haven’t we seen yet? Alan: “Cream of mushroom?” Ha. “Spirits without bodies. Brujo-based creatures. More research to come.”
Most memorable experience? Alex: “It was fun flying. Flashbacks. Stuff in Swedish, the Viking stuff. Why Eric is who he is today.”
Making Six Feet Under vs. True Blood? Alan: “True Blood is never depressing. The supernatural nature makes it fun to come to work.” ” The same depressing stuff is just more fun on TB .”
Kristin: “I’d like to think Eric is willing to do anything to save Pam. Alex: “He doesn’t care about many, but she means a lot to him.”
Kristen was asked about how Eric would react if Pam were the one with her memory wiped. Alex: “He’s willing to meet the true death for his progeny.” Audience gave a big “Awwww” to that. Pam without her memory would love children, wear bad clothes, and bake cookies.
“I like you a lot…baby steps, baby steps. But there’s potential.” Alex telling a fan he may grow to love her, but it’ll take time. Amazingly charming.
Alan Ball likes deviating from the books because it keeps all fans on their toes. “We try to remain true to the spirit and world of the books.”
Books vs. writing the show? Alan: “1. The books are all Sookie’s story. We can’t do that. 2. If we stuck to books, there would be no surprises.”
Fan thanks the True Blood panel for making his “marriage relations a whole lot better.” Crowd goes wild.
Actors talking about how they auditioned for the show. Alex sent in a tape. Nelsan thrusted his crotch at Alan. “Something you want to remember if you want to be an actress,” Ball quips to a groan.
Deborah Ann Woll speaks for the first time. Fans love her. She had to do her death and vampire rebirth scene. Ryan Kwanten was part of the first round of auditions.
Rutina Wesley talking about getting on the show, and fans are yelling out they love her. I think they’ve begun to redeem Tara in the fan’s eyes this season. There’s a great shot of Tara with a shotgun in the teaser trailer that got an enormous pop.
Rutina: “When I got the part, I literally started crying. I’m very thankful to you, Alan, for the opportunity.” *tears*
Stephen Moyer had been burglarized. After he got his kid to sleep with his teddy, Stephen got the call. He flew to LA the next day and met Anna for the first time. Anna Paquin went through numerous readings. “I stalked Alan until he gave in.” Anna thankful that Alan was able to see beyond what’s on the page in the book and who she is.
HUGE thank you to the fans who waiting in line ALL DAY to attend today’s panel.
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