Your hit HBO series True Blood returns for its fourth season in June. WebMD wants to know: Do you know your own blood type?
Noooo! That's awful -- I should! That's crazy! I don't remember! My doctor knows, because we've talked about it. Even Bill Compton [the 175-year-old vampire Moyer plays on TV], whom I'm really, really close to, I don't even know what his favorite type of blood is.
Are you squeamish at the sight of real blood? Or even at the fake stuff used on set?
Not at all. But I used to be. This show has erased any fears. Once upon a time I would have run a marathon rather than, you know, look after my kid's skinned knee. I probably would have fainted. Now I kind of relish the sight of blood after four years on the show. You learn to enjoy it after awhile. Especially when it's the sort of syrupy, strawberry, sugary stuff we have to eat!
Fangs are gory but still fun. What scares you in real life?
Something happening to my kids. My family being hurt. My daughter is terrified of tsunamis. I've said to her all these years [living in Venice, Calif., before the recent tsunami in Japan]: "Come on, the chances of there being a tsunami ...!" You know, all the things one says to one's children to make them feel better. I worry about the things that will take away the people I love. Or that could take me away from them.
Read more of Stephen's interview over at source.
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