Sunday, 30 January 2011

True Bloods Sam Trammell Talks Season 4 (Spoilers)

With the fourth season of True Blood being shot right now, are you guys sitting around wondering what is going to happen next? I know I am guilty of this so I was hoping to dig around a bit and see what I could find out.

We have a very special shape shifter series this week that although will not reveal any MAJOR plot points, will be enough to whet your appetites a bit. Today we are featuring Sam Trammell who of course plays shape shifter/bar owner Sam Merlotte on the HBO supernatural drama. Tomorrow you will read our interview with Janina Gavankar who will play Bon Temps newest shape shifter/school teacher Luna in season four.
Trammell’s character had some major demons going on inside him during season three and you will be happy to know that Sam (the actor not the character) is enjoying every second of it.
Plus learn a little more about the real Sam Trammell and some of his favorite things, including a surprising television show that he loves watching on his free time!

Rosy: Happy New Year Sam! Did you kick off the new year with any resolutions?
S. Trammell: Oh my goodness, I really didn’t, what can I say? I haven’t even dealt with the fact that it’s the New Year yet, I was just trying to get in shape for the show because I have to do these scenes, but I don’t have any New Year’s Resolutions, I got nothing for you on that.
Rosy: So let’s get right into some True Blood talk! Have you guys headed back to set since the holidays?
S. Trammell: Yeah, we are, we started on the 3rd of January or something like that. So, we’re back, I’ve already done like two nights, all nights, overnight, cold weather.
Rosy: What episode are you all currently shooting?
S. Trammell: We are shooting parts of one, two and three. We usually have two episodes going at the same time. But, I know we’re shooting two, and I think we might have started three at this point.
Rosy: I had no idea you did a few of them at the same time. Doesn’t that get confusing?
S. Trammell: Well, it’s pretty wild. Like for instance, I was shooting a scene of episode two one night at the early part of the night, and the latter part of the night a new director and crew came in, and I did a scene from episode one, so I did two different episodes in the same night. So, it’s really not that confusing, those two scenes, just because they are different episodes doesn’t necessarily make it confusing.
It’s just as likely that those two scenes could have been in the same episode, it’s just a day has passed or something like that. So sometimes its confusing, we have so much to shoot, so it takes a while to shoot our show, and if we didn’t do two at a time, we’d finish in October.
Rosy: When the season premieres, is it going to pick up from where it left off?
S. Trammell: I can’t really talk about that. There are definitely some surprises that are really cool that happen right at the beginning of next year.
Rosy: Sam has gone through a major evolution since we first met him in season 1, can you talk a bit about the character’s evolution, and where you see him going?
S. Trammell: Well yeah, I guess the first three seasons that took up about two months time and in that time he had sex with a few different people. He has one girlfriend that totally betrayed him to Maryann. He almost got killed by Maryann, and then the whole stuff with his parents an all that. We don’t know yet if I shot my brother or what happened there. But yeah, Sam has kind of had a tough road for sure, but we saw in the flashback that she had a tough life before Bon Temps. So, I think Sam came to Bon Temps to reinvent himself and to start a new life, and I feel like Sam is a really good person at heart.
But a lot of the repressed emotions built up. It’s frustrating that we didn’t know a lot about me because I kept to myself. I was kind of secretive and, I think that throughout the two months that were the first three seasons, I was coming out of my shell a lot more, and not repressing a lot of the baggage that I had coming into Bon Temps.
In a way, I’m becoming more myself, I’m kind of hiding myself a little bit less. Also, people have found out that I’m a shape shifter and it’s kind of hard. I think that would be one of the main things that sam has been shaken loose from his shell and and we are starting to see really more who he really is, the good sides and the bad sides. Sam is definitely a good person and he follows that up in the fourth season. He is not as hidden as he was.
Rosy: As we got further in to the season, your character got a lot darker, we saw stuff that we never expected from Sam. Are you enjoying the change?
S. Trammell: Oh yeah, that was fun, that was really fun! I loved getting to do the flashback scenes from stealing with the girl and then when I shot them that was really fun. And also kind of being drunk and firing Tommy. Just getting to do something different like that was great, and just a lot of fun to do something different. I did enjoy that.
Rosy: Sam’s parents were a big part of season three, do you know if we’ll see them again?
S. Trammell: I think we will see my parents again, yeah, I think we do. I think that happens, it’s gonna happen. I thought they were great, they were really good. They were fantastic.
Read more of Sam interview at source.

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