Sunday, 30 January 2011

True Bloods Anna Paquin Interview With ‘Dazed Digital’

Taken from Dazed Digital
Your character, Sookie Stackhouse, is telepathic. Some people say that telepathy is how super-evolved human beings will communicate with each other one day. Is Sookie super-evolved, being so hyper-sensitive that she can read minds?
I kind of like the way that Sookie actually thinks of it as being a disability, rather than some super-evolved trait. Because often what makes people more special sometimes, on a practical day-to-day level, makes life a little awkward. Most people just want to fit in and she can’t, because she’s got this internal monologue of what every single person is thinking
all the time.
Yeah, I guess it would kind of be a bummer. And that is the interesting thing about it; that her superpower is a bummer to her.
Personally, I’m pretty happy not being telepathic. If you don’t want me to know something, that’s all good.
Check out more of Anna’s interview and more photos at source.